I spoke at Union Baptist Church in Baltimore Sunday and co-hosted Muslim and Jewish high schoolers sponsored by the Sparks of Change Foundation.

Destination Peace is achievable. It has been and is always possible when young people seek to initiate it together.

Sponsored by Sparks of Change, a diverse and harmonious group of Jewish and Muslim high school students from Israel visited Maryland synagogues, religious schools, and mosques over the weekend.  Sparks of Change exists to continue the late blessed life of Yale student’s Danny Siegel’s legacy on earth and his deep commitment to sparks of peaceful coexistence that can and must change the world.

My segment begins with my dear friend Rev./Dr. Al Hathaway’s introduction, who is a founding Board Member of Destination Peace!

For Manny’s speech, press play, then scroll to minute 38:56 and watch through 42:51.

If you have time, please feel free to also listen to the sermon of Manny’s favorite preacher (Rev./Dr. Al Hathaway), the glorious voices of the Union Baptist Choir, and the congregation’s talented organist!